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Monday, 05 June 2023 00:25

New consumer trends accelerate digital transformation in companies

Written by Evelyn Alas

Latin America is a region that has been accustomed to e-commerce for years, especially in recent years, when both companies and consumers have had to adapt to contactless commerce. Several needs arise from these new purchasing habits: speed, security and simplicity in the consumption processes.

From here, companies have been forced to adopt digital solutions to meet these needs, in addition to making processes more efficient to be more productive with fewer resources.

Despite this, getting into the digital transformation is not easy, it requires a complete ecosystem of solutions that help companies to implement customized innovation projects, because both companies and consumers have very different needs depending on the industry sector to which they belong.

Technology companies that understand the need for both consumers and businesses to adopt digital solutions have developed modalities such as "conversational commerce", which refers to an electronic transaction where consumers make a purchase through a conversational interface. A complete ecosystem of solutions can include conversational commerce, digital payment solutions, loyalty programs or a transformation of traditional processes using artificial intelligence.

José Ramón Araguainamo holds a master's degree in business administration and is an expert in financial technology. He has founded multiple consulting and digital solutions development projects such as Yalutec. Araguainamo believes that digital transformation is an imminent step that companies must take to continue growing and adapting to new consumer trends and, to expand on this topic, he indicated the following:

How does it benefit companies to integrate conversational commerce into their processes?

The benefits can be perceived almost immediately. Among the benefits we have: sending notifications, which have a reading rate of 85%, product sales conversion rates above 30%, ability to attend extended hours, when channels are automated we can have 24/7 attention, ability to provide traffic to traditional channels of the company such as web or apps, among others.

How does the implementation of technology offered by companies such as Yalutec strengthen the relationship with customers?

We manage to offer products and services in the most user-friendly channels, and use cases are built taking into account consumption patterns and user behavior. Virtually any traditional business model can be built on a high penetration channel such as Whatsapp: sales, customer service, customer satisfaction measurement, after-sales service, etc.

How can artificial intelligence be leveraged to make purchasing processes more efficient?

Artificial intelligence allows us to expand our ability to understand what users are asking companies to do. Users can express complex opinions with imprecise contexts and can receive fairly accurate answers without human intervention.

What changes might we expect with the rise of artificial intelligence in the context of how we interact with businesses?

We can expect a more user-friendly way of automatic interaction with users without the need for complex technical developments with high user experience satisfaction.

Since the pandemic, when digital solutions took off on an extraordinary boom, what lessons have you learned so far?

The biggest learning we have had is the importance that companies can begin to build the necessary technical maturity to undertake digital projects according to their needs and benefit the continuity of their business with the support of technology.

From Yalutec, what are your objectives to continue growing as a regional company? The objectives are to consolidate the portfolio of our own products and representations of world-class technologies that we promote today in the region.

We are a company that seeks to advise, design and implement projects that deliver great value to our customers, and we hope to continue guiding them in digital trends.

Which sectors or industries are the most suitable for Yalutec to start their digital transformation process?

The economic sectors where we see the best impacts are in the Mass Consumption, Banking, Retail and Restaurant Chains, which have the purpose of serving thousands or millions of customers every month, which benefit from the benefits of artificial intelligence and technology.

It is clear that digital transformation is an ongoing project that companies that want to make their processes efficient, in addition to improving their relationship with customers, should adopt as soon as possible. Knowing how to take advantage of new technologies generates a very large competitive advantage in the market and expands opportunities for improvement in the future.


Translated by: A.M

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