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Friday, 30 July 2021 13:02

Abbott announced the launch of its innovative infant nutrition solution, the new "PediaSure"

Written by Alondra Gutiérrez

Childhood is a time of rapid growth, so it is critical that children receive adequate nutrition. Abbott announced the launch of its innovative infant nutrition solution, the new PediaSure with Arginine and Vitamin K2.

Poor nutrition is a global issue and can cause negative health effects in both the short and long term. Despite the progress made, 1 in 5 children under five years of age in Latin America and the Caribbean is undernourished or overweight, as a result of different factors and poor feeding practices that begin at an early stage of the child's life.

The new PediaSure formula will help children have stronger bones, backed by science, with more than 20 clinical studies and 30 years of research, PediaSure has proven to be a formula that provides complete and balanced nutrition, including 37 essential nutrients for children's growth.

The clinically proven benefits of PediaSure promote proper growth and, along with the consumption of a varied diet, improved nutritional status associated with fewer sick days and increased physical activity in children.

You can find the new PediaSure formula in your favorite supermarket or pharmacy. It is available in two presentations: ready-to-drink bottle and powder, as well as in three flavors (chocolate, vanilla and strawberry).