The results contemplated in the Plan Maestro de Rescate Agropecuario, promoted by the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG),together with the General Dirección General de Protección Civil and municipalities, has been in charge of developing and implementing the Plan Invernal 2021.

The Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales (ICEFI) presented a series of general considerations about Bitcoin, including whether it meets the characteristics and functions of money.

Defensoría del Consumidor activated an extensive operation to protect the rights of consumers on Father's Day, which includes information services, advice and attention to complaints in major shopping malls nationwide.

The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, filed 8 new notices for alleged tax evasion before the Directorate for the Dirección de Defensa de los Intereses del Estado, accumulating a value of US$16.1 million.

With 62 votes, the Legislative Assembly approved the "Bitcoin Law" with which El Salvador adopts the "Bitcoin" as legal tender.

Bancoagrícola together with its 3 thousand collaborators have evolved their way of working, this has allowed digital adoption, a key alternative, also among the elements that make it stand out for its candidates and collaborators is the evolution towards new ways of working.