Displaying items by tag: tips

Monday, 19 December 2022 03:26

Tips to improve family finances

Meeting basic needs, taking care of fundamental aspects of the development of all family members and having the possibility of saving to meet future goals. These are the main characteristics of the family economy, whose objective is to manage a family's income and expenses.

Published in Economy
Monday, 08 August 2022 03:00

Tips on how to pay off credit card debts

Debts are a headache because they impede flexibility in money management, so getting rid of them as soon as possible or at least minimizing them will help you make the most of your cash to achieve greater financial security.

Published in Finances

Technology not only allows us to obtain efficient results at work, but it is also a tool to solve many needs of daily life quickly and efficiently.

Published in Technology

Spend your money only on what is necessary, your dad would surely like to see this!

Published in Breaking News
Monday, 13 June 2022 20:12

Tips to improve your economy by saving

There are practical tips on how you can save money, it is very simple, you just have to change certain habits:

Published in Finances
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Monday, 02 May 2022 17:32

Tips for healthy business finances

To implement it correctly, they recommend the following financial management practices, to make it easy to make decisions, planning to achieve goals and actions to implement to start with the administration.

Published in Finances

The entrepreneurship ecosystem must be prepared to receive new initiatives in the field of fintech, an industry with high demand for disruptive solutions and that has reached its highest growth in the market.

Published in Entrepreneurship
Saturday, 16 April 2022 01:04

Tips to spend less if you are on vacation

Traveling on vacation doesn't have to cost you a lot of money. We give you tips so you spend less and don't end up coming home not knowing what you spent your money on.

Published in Finances
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Saturday, 16 April 2022 00:48

Five tips for traveling as a couple

Since a couple's relationship is between two people, responsibilities should not fall on just one, it is important to divide tasks so that no one is over-stressed or overburdened.

Published in Breaking News

Easter vacations are highly anticipated by everyone, as they are ideal for a trip that allows you to take a break from routine, break with everyday life, get to know new places, stories and people.

Published in Tourism
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