The Claudia Lars peripheral road, a 10.8 kilometer long highway that connects the Santa Ana and Sonsonate highways, is ready to add to the road mobility plan in which US$30 million was invested.

Deputies of the Economy Commission continued today analyzing the reforms to the Law of Industrial and Commercialization Free Zones.

Members of the Finance and Special Budget Commission received the President of the Comisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctrica del Río Lempa (CEL), Daniel Álvarez, who explained the strategic plan to be developed next year with the US$403.3 million budget allocated to it.

Deputies of the Financial Commission of the Legislative Assembly, issued a favorable opinion for a series of reforms to the Credit Card System Law in which they seek to prevent harassment and abuse of cardholders by financial institutions.

The Central Government will invest US$24 million in the RECETO program, which will provide 600 greenhouses and the irrigation technology system, with a 10-year guarantee. This project will generate self-sustainability and food self-sufficiency for the country.

If you are about to retire and do not know what pensions are, this article explains what they are.

The Minister of Labor, Rolando Castro, announced in a morning interview that this coming Wednesday the Superior Labor Council will be installed. This is a tripartite instance, conformed by workers, businessmen and Government, which is in charge of building public policies in labor matters.

Monday, 06 December 2021 13:23

Mom the best financial advisor

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The first knowledge about personal finances comes from our mom, she has the ability to manage money in such a way that it is enough for the family's expenses. She also has the ability to make us aware of the good use of the resources we have.

The Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero (SSF) and the Banco Central de Reserva (BCR) launched the Oficina de Innovación Financiera (OIF) which places El Salvador at the forefront of innovative financial policies, being one of the first of its kind in the Central American region.