Saturday, 09 July 2022 02:18

Tigo showcases its best practices in the empowerment of women in the company

Written by Evelyn Alas

In order to reinforce its commitment to raise awareness about the value and benefits of gender equality in companies, Tigo El Salvador participated in the WEPs LAC Cycle, a series of webinars that UN Women and the Global Compact carry out for Latin America and the Caribbean, and whose objective is to consolidate, inspire and motivate public and private sector companies throughout the region, to continue adding companies committed to gender equality and women's empowerment.

As a signatory company to the WEPs in El Salvador, Tigo participated in the session "Diagnosis and action plan with a gender perspective" in which companies from Uruguay and Panama also participated.

UN Women and the Global Compact are developing these webinars with diverse content on the implementation of the WEPs (Women's Empowerment Principles) and with the presentation of case studies of companies in the region and globally, where Tigo was selected as an example of good practices in El Salvador.

"At Tigo, we believe in diversity, equity and inclusion, which drives us to constantly work on closing gaps both inside and outside the company. We are committed to empowering women and improving their environment, whether they are our employees, customers, suppliers or entrepreneurs in our value chain, to access opportunities, digital education and economic growth, for the benefit of society in general", said Karla Rivas, Public Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility manager of Tigo El Salvador.

Tigo signed its adhesion to be part of the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) of UN Women and the Global Compact in november 2020, having carried out a gender equity diagnosis to identify opportunities for improvement and closing the gender equity gap.

Tigo has improved 30% in the results of the diagnosis to 2021, being one of the most outstanding initiatives its "Conectadas" program, by including women in its value chain (owners of points of sale, activation points and Tigo Money points) in its community support initiatives.

"Conectadas" is a digital education program that contributed to closing the digital and financial gap for women entrepreneurs by providing them with group and individual digital technical assistance in the use of digital tools such as WhatsApp Business, Digital Marketing, digital inventories and customer service techniques. Training in values and female empowerment was also provided with the support of UN Women in El Salvador. In 2021 and with the support of USAID and FUNDEMAS, "Conectadas" benefited 1,100 women in Tigo's value chain who increased the sales of their businesses by an average of 28%, reported sales of $9.6 million as a result of the project and generated 529 new jobs.