Digicel through a significant investment this year becomes the first Digital operator in El Salvador. Technology and new business opportunities have driven Digicel Business to develop solutions at the corporate level in a context where services are increasingly digitized.

Grupo Bimbo through its Buen Vecino program inaugurates the Aula del Osito, with the objective of supporting the Complejo Educativo para sordos Licda. Griselda Zeledón, in the education of children and young people with hearing disabilities.

Companies in Latin America are slowly showing a recovery in salary increase budgets in 2021 despite the economic implications of COVID-19 across the region, according to a study by Willis Towers Watson.

The Comisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctrica del Río Lempa (CEL), began filling the reservoir of the future Central Hidroelétrica 3 de febrero, located in the municipality of San Luis de la Reina, in San Miguel, at a cost of US$750 million.

Accompanying the global initiative to raise awareness of early detection of breast and cervical cancer that takes place during the month of october, Grupo Promerica held a discussion, as part of its campaign #InversiónRosa, the biggest investment is your health.

Friday, 22 October 2021 02:58

AES renews its Energía Mágica education program

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AES El Salvador relaunched " Energía Mágica", its an educational program that brings knowledge and fun to Salvadoran children. The refreshed image of its protagonists, content and stories seek to respond to the current learning needs of children, to instill a commitment to the environment and the responsible use of electricity.

Thursday, 21 October 2021 15:41

Nestlé is focused on the future of young salvadorans

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Nestlé, in its purpose of developing the full power of food to improve the quality of life, today and for future generations, participated in the Sustainability Week organized by the Fundación Empresarial para la acción social FUNDEMAS .

In order to fulfill its purpose of uniting people for a better world, La Constancia together with AB-InBev, the largest brewing company in the world, will develop a cycle of "Pymenars"

In the framework of World Food Day, celebrated on October 16, Walmart, together with a group of its suppliers, carried out the "Impacto Colectivo por la Alimentación", Campaign, which consists of joining efforts to make a donation in kind, according to their business area, to the region's Food Banks.